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In Asian countries, seaweed cuisines have become a form of art. In Japan, for instance, seaweed-based cuisine includes more than twenty types of different species. However, very few people would consider buying kelp in a grocery store; the rest will pass it by without even noticing these delicious seaweeds.
On the other hand, seaweeds are popular cuisines when we are dining out. Why aren’t we used to preparing healthy seaweed meals at home? The first reason that crosses my mind is that we do not know how, and even if we do, we are not used to it.
It is time we change that, and there are numerous reasons why we should include kelp in our diets.
#1 Seaweed is a rich source of antioxidants and it is considered a superfood.
#2 Brown algae, such as kelp, are rich in vitamins A and C.
#3 As a food that is loaded with calcium, kelp is beneficial, especially as we age.
#4 Some algae are included in treatments for osteoporosis.
#5 The most extraordinary benefit of seaweed is iodine (most foods don’t have it).
#6 Iodine deficiency can result in fatigue, mild depression, inflammation and difficulty in losing weight.
#7 Seaweed regulates levels of estrogen and estradiol, responsible hormones for the function and development of sexual organs.
#8 Seaweed prevents inflammation (contributes to asthma, obesity, depression, arthritis).
Try to keep in mind the benefits mentioned above of kelp every time you go to a grocery store, and try these great recipes.
Enjoy Kelp and Brown Rice with your family
This recipe will boost your energy and keep you focused and alert. Due to the many healthy vegetables and their benefits, you will have extra benefits that will reflect on your overall organism.
For the recipe, you will need:
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 small sweet chopped onion
- 1 carrot, grated or chopped
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/2 cup soaked kelp, chopped
- 3 cups warm cooked brown rice
- 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
- sea salt to taste
- cayenne or freshly grated ginger juice to taste
- thyme to taste
Cook 3 cups of brown rice, but keep it warm (do not let it cool off). Use a large skillet, warm the oil over medium heat, and add onion, carrot and garlic. Use thyme to sprinkle the mixture and cook it until it is softened (around 5 minutes). Stir in the kelp; cook it for another 2 minutes. Finally, add warm cooked brown rice, stir in ginger juice or cayenne (which one you prefer), and sprinkle with salt and sesame seeds.
Surprise Your Friend with Seaweed Sweets
You probably don’t know that every time you eat your favorite sweets, you also eat a bit of seaweed. Kelp has a substance in the cell walls called algin, and it is used to thicken gel and stabilize. In food, alginates are used in making puddings, salad dressing, and ice cream. Now you can try preparing delicious kelp cookies.
For the recipe, you will need:
- 1 cup margarine (2 sticks)
- 1 teaspoon almond flavoring
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon powdered kelp
- 3 cups flour
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2 large mixing bowls
- Measuring spoons
- Baking sheets
- Hot pads
Use a large mixing bowl, combine margarine, sugar, eggs, vanilla and almond flavoring, and blend it well. Use another bowl and combine flour, kelp powder, salt, and baking soda. Then connect the mixture from the bowls. Use a greased baking sheet and drop the dough by the teaspoonful. Bake it at 400 for 8 minutes.
When cookies are cooled, store in an airtight container. They will be chewy and fresh for several days.
Delicious Dinner with Sesame, Carrots and Kelp
Combined with carrots that are a great source of vitamin E and antioxidants, and sesame oil, excellent for skin and damaged skin cells, detoxification and for slowing down the aging process, this recipe is great for summer diets. Prepare it for two (although this recipe is for four persons), and enjoy it with your special person.
For the recipe, you will need:
- 2 strips of kelp (approximately 5” long)
- ¾ cup of water
- 4 medium carrots
- 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon roasted sesame seeds for garnish
- ½ teaspoon mirin (optional)
Prepare the kelp: soak in the water for 5 to 10 minutes until soft and simmer for 20 minutes or cook on a higher temperature for 10 minutes (in the same water). After it is finished, set aside the water (you will need it later).
Slice carrots diagonally to be thick and slice the kelp into thin strips (or diamond shapes). Add oil, carrots and mirin into a heated heavy skillet. Sauté for about 5 minutes. Add sliced kelp and kelp cooking water to the carrots. Cover and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, and stir it occasionally. Both kelp and carrots need to be tender. All the water should evaporate. Garnish with roasted sesame seeds, and add the seasonings to taste.
To spice it up, add some fresh or dried shiitake and garlic, ginger or chili peppers (garnish with chopped cilantro to balance the heat).
Miso Noodle Soup with Kelp to Energize Body and Mind
Miso soups have an extraordinary effect on our energy, leaving us alert yet calm. Iodine content is an essential ingredient due to the key role it plays in metabolism and thyroid function.
For the recipe, you will need:
- 1 strip (approximately 5” kelp)
- 4 oz. noodles (somen, ramen, or your favorite)
- 6 cups of water
- 1 tablespoon light miso (barley)
- ¼ lb. tofu (firm or extra firm, diced)
- ½ cup carrot strips
- ¼ cup red pepper strips
- ¼ cup sliced scallions
- 2 teaspoons grated ginger
Simmer kelp in the water for about 8 to 10 minutes; remove the kelp and reserve the broth. Let the kelp cool off and slice into 3–4” long noodle-like strips. Replace the kelp strips in soup and simmer on low heat for a few more minutes. Add noodles and cook until slightly underdone. Take some broth in a cup and puree miso, add the tofu, vegetables, ginger and miso to the soup and stir. Season to taste.
Caution: The kelp is very rich in iodine, and has enough mineral salts; therefore, there is no need to add salt to any of the dishes. Season with tamari for “salty flavor “.
According to the National Institute of Health, iodine intake is 150 mcg per day for most adults. One to a three-tablespoon serving of brown seaweed every week is a balanced intake. It is also important to remember that if the water the kelp comes from is contaminated (toxic metals, arsenic) the seaweed will be as well. If you are, however, taking seaweed supplements, it is essential to opt for a reputable brand.
Seaweeds are a great addition to everyone’s cuisine. With the right balance, you will improve your overall health with a rich dose of antioxidants, minerals and iodine.
Images by DepositPhotos.com
Last article update: 7/29/2019