Health Benefits of Thermal Water

thermal water


We live on a planet where 71% of it is water and all life depends on water. The human body contains 70% water. The great civilization of Mesopotamia was built around two major rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Great Empedocles placed water as one of 4 elements that are a basic substance of the Universe.

Homeopaths believe that water has memory. Water is a symbol of immense importance in many civilizations and religions.

The Earth’s temperature is regulated by water. It is believed that a human can last 40 days without food, but only 3-4 days without water. Without taste or smell, liquid, gas or solid, we cannot manage without water.


The Importance of Thermal Water

Planet Earth has given us thermal springs all over the world. Even in the oceans, springs filled with water that has healing attributes given the fact that this water is rich in iodine, gases and salts. When the water surfaces it has a temperature of 21°C or above.

thermal water - benefits

Usually, thermal springs are found near volcanic districts or their origin can be found in aquifers. Cultural history documents different and very frequent usage of thermal water for the health benefits and some sort of infection prevention. For instance, the 19th century reveals the importance of thermal water and the faith in its power of healing. Hot springs were very popular as healing methods and as pure satisfaction first in Europe and then spreading all around the world.  On the other hand, thermal water and hot springs were known in ancient Rome and were very important political and social centers.


What are the Health Benefits of Thermal Water?

The water from the springs has various purposes and usage in human life, some of which is in the field of agriculture and aquaculture. The most important one is related to health, balneology. In general, thermal water is recognized as a specific health method especially within the field of skin infections.

Thermal water can help in treating:

  • Rheumatism
  • Arthritis
  • Blood circulation
  • Asthma
  • Insomnia
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Skin disorders – acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, burn-related scars and damage

Health Benefits - Thermal Water

Water in thermal springs contains minerals, in particular:

  • Magnesium and calcium have distinct importance regarding skin disorders and damages because these minerals activate enzymatic skin properties.
  • Sulphates have a relaxing effect on the skin and they are responsible for additional elasticity of the skin.
  • Copper helps synthesize collagen, melanin and keratin.
  • Chloride can help soothe the irritation of the skin.
  • Zinc is responsible for repairing the acne problem.
  • Selenium is the main mineral for the improvement of the immune system and skin infections.

Water in thermal springs reduces the negative effects on your health as the consequences of stress, relaxes muscles, stimulates blood circulation. It has a significant effect on connective tissues, cartilage and bones.

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Last article update: 7/31/2019