Do you remember how much you enjoy eating watermelons in the summer?
For many, watermelons are their favorite summer snacks; however, there is more to watermelons than just their flavor. Sweet enough as desserts, yet powerful enough to bring more benefits for our overall health. As a refreshingly sweet dessert, watermelon per cup has only 46 calories, but offers 20 percent of daily intake of vitamin C and 17 percent of vitamin A, for instance. A big, sloppy and colorful slice of watermelon on your table brings health benefits that are proven to recharge and rejuvenate our body.
There are numerous reasons why you should make watermelon a part of your daily diet and reap amazing benefits due to an array of healthy nutrients, and essential vitamins and minerals.
#1 Watermelon juice reduces heart rate and soothes sore muscles
A study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry confirmed that watermelon juice could help reduce heart rate and soothe sore muscles when taken before a hard workout. The benefits are coming from an amino acid called L-citrulline, which the body uses to convert into an essential amino acid called L-arginine. This amino acid helps relax blood vessels and improve circulation. Either natural watermelon juice or watermelon juice enriched with citrulline, the effectiveness remains the same.
#2 The lycopene in watermelon promotes bone health
Apart from being beneficial for cardiovascular health, it is confirmed that lycopene is very important for bone health. Dietary lycopene (found in tomatoes and watermelons) reduces oxidative stress, in turn, reducing the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts (the two major bone cells) which are involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Consuming lycopene-rich food will make one’s bones stronger. In addition, potassium in watermelons helps to retain calcium in the body, another bonus for stronger bones and joints.
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#3 The citrulline in watermelon reduces the accumulation of fat in fat cells
As an amino acid, citrulline converts into arginine in the body, with help from the kidneys. When we consume this amino acid, citrulline has the ability to block the activity of TNAP (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase). This process makes our fat cells create less fat. When fat cells produce less fat, the body prevents over-accumulation of body fat, resulting in losing weight and better metabolism.
#4 Watermelon improves cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women
Researchers from Florida State University conducted a study using watermelon extract supplement that contains citrulline and arginine. For six weeks, postmenopausal women were taking this supplement. According to researchers, they have experienced improved cardiovascular health. In another study, done in 2012, such supplements were also very helpful in alleviating high blood pressure in obese, middle-aged adults.
#5 As natural diuretics, watermelons are helpful for kidney health
The very benefits of watermelons as natural diuretics are that by increasing the flow of urine, the kidneys are not strained (unlike when one is consuming caffeine, for instance). It is important to know that watermelons help the liver process waste from protein digestion (ammonia), which, in turn, eases the strain on the kidneys while getting rid of excess fluids.
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#6 Potassium in watermelons helps muscle and nerve support
Potassium is a powerful electrolyte, and given watermelons are rich in this mineral, the regulation of muscle and nerve actions in the body are significantly improved when one is consuming watermelons on a daily bases. This important mineral determines the degree and frequency with which the muscles contract, and control the excitation of nerves in the body.
#7 Rich in antioxidants, watermelon is excellent for inflammation
Watermelons are rich in phenolic compounds (flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoids) that are particularly beneficial in reducing inflammation as well as neutralizing free radicals in the body. Another important compound in watermelons provides anti-inflammatory support. Consuming watermelons will block the activity of certain enzymes that are responsible for increased inflammation. Ripe watermelons contain higher amounts of these compounds.
#8 Due to beta-carotene, watermelon is excellent for eye protection
The rich red hue of watermelon tells us that watermelons are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted in the body to vitamin A. As proven, vitamin A protects against age-related macular degeneration and prevents night blindness. This vitamin is also a great support for healthy skin, teeth, and skeletal and soft tissue.
#9 Vitamin C in watermelons enhances the immune system and prevents cell damage
High amounts of vitamin C in watermelons make them necessary for immune system protection and protection against oxygen stress that damages our cells and DNA. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for the formation of new connective tissue. For collagen to be formed a certain enzyme is needed and this enzyme cannot function without vitamin C.
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#10 Watermelons prevents asthma
People who do not consume essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, are more at risk of developing asthma. Given that watermelons are rich in this important vitamin, including watermelons in daily diet help prevent asthma.
#11 Watermelons help strength metabolism
Watermelons are made up of 92 percent of water. Given the rich amount of essential nutrients, watermelon water is loaded with rich electrolytes. Especially in summer, when our body tends to lose more liquid than in other seasons, keeping our bodies hydrates is of immense importance. During hot summer months, consuming food rich in electrolytes will not only prevent dehydration but also create support for a stronger metabolism and immune system.
#12 Due to water content, watermelon is improving digestion and regularity
We already know that watermelons are great due to water content, however, they are also rich in fiber, and fiber is necessary for good digestion. Watermelons are promoting regularity for a healthy digestive tract, and due to it, they prevent constipation.
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#13 As a rich source of antioxidants, watermelons are linked to the prevention of prostate cancer
Lycopene, an antioxidant that has proven prevention abilities for numerous illnesses and medical conditions, is also an important compound when it comes to the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer. As a rich source of lycopene, scientists believe that watermelons can help combat the formation of free radicals that cause cancer. In numerous studies, lycopene intake has been linked with a decreased risk of cancer.
#14 Watermelons are nutrient-rich food necessary for healthy nutrition
As already mentioned, one cup of diced watermelons has 46 calories; however, it also has 2 grams of sodium and 11 grams of carbohydrate (9 grams of sugar and a gram of fiber). One cup provides 17 percent of vitamin A, 21 percent of vitamin C, 2 percent of iron and one percent of calcium. In addition, watermelons also contain thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, and pantothenic acid, necessary for numerous functions in our body. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium are also present in watermelons.
With all this in mind, try to incorporate watermelons in your diet. If you are not certain how, try to replace a single daily meal with a serving of watermelon, this way you can enjoy its numerous benefits.
Last article update: 6/8/2019