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Have you ever asked yourself what are the best ways to keep skin healthy? Well, if you haven’t, now is your chance. As the weather warms up, now is a good time to begin thinking about summer skin care. And, before we start with the skin health tips, keep this one thing in mind: You should pay more attention to your skin in the summer, and there are several ways you can do that.
One of the best tips for skin health, easily implemented, is to let your skin breathe. You don’t need to wear makeup or cover up your skin with multiple beauty products. That being said, you should also know how to protect your skin and treat it as if the sun damage already occurred. Also, you should be aware that healthy skin starts from the inside, which means you should be careful with what you are putting in your body.
Many tips on how to have healthier skin during summer are available. Luckily for you, we are going to name all the important ones and explain why all these tips are beneficial for you.
So, whether you’re planning on spending time at the beach, hiking in the woods, or just lounging around outdoors, here are some easy and effective ways to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun:
#1. Stay Hydrated
As Livescience.com states, and we often tend to forget, water is the most important nutrient and is credited with promoting good skin health. People can only last a couple of days without water. Have you ever wondered why that is? Well, let’s name a few water fun facts:
- The human brain consists of 73% water
- The human body consists of 60% water
- When you don’t drink enough water, you can experience fatigue and muscle cramps, as a reaction to dehydration
Although these statements seem like good enough reasons not to skip on drinking water, staying hydrated is especially important in the summer.
One of the best reasons to stay hydrated is, undoubtedly, to ensure your brain is functioning properly. For example, you have to be careful with exercising in the warmer weather because there is a chance of your brain tissue shrinking. This is due to the heat that causes dehydration. However, not drinking enough water doesn’t just have an impact on your brain; it can affect heart functioning and even your skin. So, let’s see how the skin is affected.
Tips and tricks
One of the most important ways to protect your skin in hot weather is to stay hydrated. When you spend time in the summer sun, your body can quickly become dehydrated, especially if you’re active. Unfortunately, when you become dehydrated, your skin is one of the first areas of the body that’s affected.
Dehydrated skin can lead to dryness, scaliness, and more, and it can even increase the chance of sunburn. Besides, dry skin loses its normal elasticity, meaning it’s easier to tear. To combat dehydration, drink plenty of water or sports drinks that contain electrolytes throughout the day, and remember to take breaks often.
All that being said, some people have a harder time maintaining the proper level of hydration. Simply put, sometimes you are not willing to drink that much water, and would rather have an ice-cream or a soda. If you are one of those people, we have some additional skin health tips that are also beneficial for your whole body:
- When you feel thirsty, know that you are already dehydrated. So, be sure to drink water to avoid thirst.
- Keep an eye on the color of your urine. The ideal color is pale yellow, almost white, without any smell.
- Stay away from coffee as it is highly dehydrating.
- Exercise in moderation, and make sure you are continually drinking water – before, during and after the exercise.
Tip of the day: Do everything in your power to prevent sunburn! However, if you get sunburned, be sure to take cold showers, apply cooling moisturizer (preferably with Aloe Vera) to help the skin repair faster, and be sure to wear clothes over the areas that got sunburned.
If you are not feeling well, take aspirin or ibuprofen. Both of these medicines will calm your body and reduce redness.
#2. Use Sunscreen
If you ask any dermatologist what his/her tips for skin health are, he/she is definitely going to mention using sunscreen to protect the skin.
Sunscreen is one of the best skin health products you can use. It protects you from the ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB), which are known to be harmful to the skin. Keep in mind that skin cancer can affect anyone, regardless of skin color, age, or gender.
Let’s start by defining UVA and UVB rays. In general, UV radiation is an electromagnetic spectrum that comes from the Sun. Although it is not visible, it is highly damaging to the skin’s DNA and can contribute to the development of mutations, which manifest as cancer. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service and the World Health Organization both declared UV rays as carcinogens.
There are three types of UV rays- UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC rays do not reach the Earth, as they are absorbed by the ozone layer. Hence the reason you mostly hear of UVA and UVB.
Differences between UVA and UVB rays
UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply but are not as harmful as UVB. They can easily get through clouds or even glass. UVA rays are most known to cause skin aging and wrinkling but, more recently, scientists have found that UVA can cause skin cell mutations on the epidermis, which leads to cancer. Also, UVA rays are credited with tanning. In case you were wondering why your skin becomes darker when exposed to the sun, we don’t have good news. Being tanned is the skin’s response to injury to its DNA. In short, a skin tans to prevent further damage to its DNA.
UVB rays, on the other hand, cause sunburn but do not penetrate the skin deeply. That being said, you should know these types of rays are a definite cause of skin cancer. Also, they damage the skin throughout the year, especially in the winter, when they reflect off ice and snow.
So, no matter what type of skin you have, it’s always important to wear sunscreen to avoid damage. If you are wondering which sunscreen you should choose, the American Academy of Dermatology, suggests you should use ones that protect you from UVA and UVB rays, especially ones that have SPF 30 or higher and are water resistant.
Tips and tricks
How should you use it? Sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes before you go outside, and then reapplied at 90-minute intervals. Remember you should wear sunscreen even on cloudy days. You should also keep in mind that waterproof sunscreen can still be brushed off over time, so it should be reapplied just like any other sunscreen. If you’re concerned about sunscreen ruining your makeup, try applying sunscreen first, and then apply your makeup. If that doesn’t seem enough, we have one more tip that will ensure you have good skin health during summer.
By now, you are probably wondering how you are going to manage to stay protected during the day while still wearing makeup. Well, fortunately, some of the best makeup brands came up with the idea of a powder sunscreen. Powder sunscreens come in various shades, with a wide range of SPF and usually have good ingredients like chamomile or green tea. If this is your first time hearing about this product, be sure to check the post on Bustle.com on the top five best powder sunscreens.
Tip of the day: If you have acne-prone skin, you may have a problem with using sunscreen- it can potentially break you out. To prevent this, do not use the same sunscreen on your face as you use on your body. Also, be sure to buy non-comedogenic and oil-free sunscreens. If you are not sure which one to choose, check the post on Refinery29.com. We are confident you’ll find the one that suits you the best. Worst case scenario, you can always opt for the previously mentioned powder sunscreen.
#3. See Your Dermatologist Often
If you have been spending a good bit of time outside in the sun, you may want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for a checkup. Even if you don’t have any major skin concerns at the moment, a dermatologist can still give you an exam to ensure that you aren’t doing any damage to your skin by spending time outdoors. Keep in mind that a dermatologist can detect early-stage cancer, which is why it is so important to see a dermatologist often.
Exposure to UV rays over time may cause skin cancer to develop in some people, so you should also be checking yourself often for moles or growths that have suddenly appeared, or for moles or growths that are irregular in size, shape, and color.
So, how should you prepare for a visit to a dermatologist? Well, for starters, bring all the identification and medical cards you need. Also, be sure to write down all the medicines you are currently taking, and try not to wear makeup or heavy moisturizers so a dermatologist can properly examine you. Know that you should be able to mention to him/her any concerns you are having.
Tip of the day: If you want to make sure you have good skin health and not just in summer, try examining your body at least once a year. Our suggestion is to do it on your birthday or the day after so that you won’t forget. What should a checkup look like? Go through your skin and check for any red spots or moles that appear different than they usually do. If you see anything suspicious, be sure to get in touch with your dermatologist.
#4. Go Easy on the Exfoliation
Before we advise you not to exfoliate your skin too often during summer, let’s first mention what exfoliation really is. Exfoliating your skin means using an exfoliation product of some kind to remove dead skin cells. You can immediately see the results of exfoliating – your skin becomes brighter, more radiant, and smooth to the touch. Not only does it remove dead skin cells, but it can also stimulate circulation, which can lead to collagen production and improving your skin’s elasticity. It also cleans pores, helps reduce any cuts or scars, and therefore, plays a crucial part in you having good skin health.
As you can see, there are many benefits of exfoliation. What you don’t know, is that one of the skin health tips for summer is keeping it low with this part of your skincare during hot, summer days.
Why is that?
While exfoliating after spending time in the sun is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells, too much exfoliation on the damaged skin can lead to soreness, raw skin, and more. If you choose to exfoliate before or after spending time in the sun, try to be a bit more gentle than usual. Also, you could also try to use cleansing products that contain salicylic acid or glycolic acid instead, as these products can help to exfoliate your skin gently.
There is one more thing you should keep in mind. Exfoliating your body is not the same as exfoliating the face. Face skin is much more sensitive and delicate; this is why you should use two different types of exfoliators.
Tip of the day: In the summertime, having sensitive skin can cause a lot of trouble. So, if you have this type of skin, try to go for exfoliators that are specifically meant for your skin. Usually, exfoliators that are suitable for sensitive skin have natural ingredients which are beneficial and nurturing for the skin. However, if you experience redness after exfoliating that doesn’t pass even after a few hours, stop using that exfoliator immediately.
#5. Eat Healthy
Having a healthy diet is important all year round, but did you know that your diet can affect your skin differently during the summer? Yes – you read that right – some fruits and vegetables are especially useful for skin protection. Let’s start with tomatoes.
If you are looking for ways to keep skin healthy during summer, don’t skip on tomatoes. Tomatoes can almost serve as a sunscreen. Although you’ll still need to apply sunscreen every 90 minutes, tomatoes can definitely protect your skin from sunburn. Why tomatoes? Well, these types of fruits have lycopene, the carotenoid which makes tomatoes red and which acts as a protective layer on the skin. And while ketchup is not the best source of lycopene, tomato paste and tomato juice are.
If you are wondering about meats and whether you should eat them or not, our answer is to keep eating them in moderation. Summer is a great time to include “easy on the stomach” meats like turkey or chicken breast. Also, don’t forget to include salmon, tuna, and calamari, since all the mentioned seafood is rich with proteins and low in calories.
However, if you are not a fan of meat, you should include beans and legumes, since they have fibers and can serve as ingredients to a tasty veggie burger. And, if you still want something that has even more proteins, a good option is to include eggs in your diet, since they are the ultimate protein source.
Tips and tricks
Can you do more for your skin? Of course! To encourage collagen growth and maintain healthy skin during the warmer months, make sure to add some antioxidants to your diet. Foods containing antioxidants include avocados, leafy greens, melons, and blueberries, and most can be found at your local grocery store. Additionally, as we previously mentioned, you may also want to eat more protein during the summer, as protein is excellent for repairing and rebuilding damaged skin cells.
If this list of foods doesn’t seem enough for you, and you want something that will detoxify your body and provide you with skin health vitamins, be sure to check out our article on summer food for detoxification.
Tip of the day: During hot, summer days, you can easily get exhausted. To prevent summer fatigue and get your energy back, drink a lot of water and eat more often. Meals shouldn’t be high in calories. You should eat small portions more often. Additionally, it is always an excellent option to have some high-protein snack like protein bars or bananas.
Is There More to Good Skin Health?
Well, not really. These are all the tips for skin health you should keep in mind. And, if we have to choose one out of all the skin health tips, we would advise you not to skip on staying hydrated and wearing sunscreen. Water can do wonders for your whole body, and sunscreen will always protect you.
Finally, it’s important to remember that skin damage is no laughing matter. While most people can shrug off a slight sunburn from time to time, repeated skin damage can lead to wrinkles, uneven tone, and even cancer. No matter what time of the year it is, always take care of your skin, and your skin will take care of you.
How do you keep your skin healthy during the summer? Do you have any tips we haven’t mentioned? Be sure to share with the Ecellulitis community in the comment section below. 🙂
Image credits: Pixabay.com
Last article update: 6/13/2019