The fruit of the fall, green, yellow, gold, red, or brown, pears are one of the healthiest fruits in the world. They have been cultivated in China for more than 3000 years and they were also very famous in ancient Rome.
Did you know that pears leaves were smoked in Europe before the tobacco was introduced?
Also, pear wood is an important building material because it does not warp.
Just pick one and enjoy its benefits thoroughly.
Why are pears healthy?
Pears have all necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber that our organism needs. One of the exciting things is that pears are higher in pectin than apples; thus, they are more effective in lowering down the cholesterol levels.
Nutritionists often recommend pears as a fruit that is safe for infants to consume regularly. Individuals with food intolerance can eat pears safely and without risk of any side effect because pears are hypoallergenic.
Pears are from the Rosaceae family, of the genus Perys. There are many species; some are valued as an edible fruit and others are cultivated as ornamental plants. Pears are native to Western Europe, North Africa and across Asia. The medium size tree can reach up to 17 meters tall, usually with a narrow crown; on the other hand, some species are shrubby.
The interesting thing is that sometimes the difference between apples and pears is not distinct; some pears look much like apples (Nashi pear). Some of the popular Asian varieties are Ichiban Nashi, Shinsui, Shinsieku and Nijisseki pears. Popular European types are Cornice and Bartlett.
Pears as a powerful fruit
Let us see why pears are powerful and healthy.
- Pears are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber
- 100 grams of pears provides 8% of fiber
- Most of the fiber is non-soluble polysaccharide; thus, pears are a good bulk laxative
- Pears are very low in calories; 100 grams of pear provides 58 calories
- As a great source of vitamin C (7% of RDA per 100 grams), fresh pears are great protective and anti-inflammatory fruit
- Due to their low calories, they are part of many healthy diets
- Vitamin A in pears can help protect the body from free harmful radicals
- Pears are rich with iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and potassium – certain varieties are richer in iron (when you cut pear and if it turns brown it means that it is rich in iron)
- They are also a good source of B – complex vitamins
- Pears contain boron that body uses to retain calcium
- Pears are a great source of energy due to the levels of fructose and glucose
- An anti-carcinogen and antioxidant compound called glutathione helps prevent stroke
How can pears help us?
Pears for skin issues
For oily skin, in the form of facemask, the pear is very effective. Due to its nutritional value, a mask with honey and cream will ease the irritation, and bring back the shiny and healthy look. For facemask, the mixture of one tablespoon of cream, half a teaspoon of honey and mashed pear is a good recipe. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse it with lukewarm water.
Due to the minerals and vitamins, pears are often recommended in acne treatment and acne prevention. Minerals help neutralize the skin acids and regulate the pH balance of the skin. Drinking pear, in particular, is the best way for the body to receive these valuable compounds. Fresh juices also help with bacterial infections. Pear juice is excellent for the skin due to its ability to cleanse the body and to prevent toxins.
Pears as fertility treatment
Pears are used in fertility treatments due to their benefits to the reproductive system. When the insulin level is out of balance, fruit that contains natural sugar is one of the options to balance the level again. On the other hand, due to the folatiles, eating pears during pregnancy helps in prevention of the neural tube defects in the baby.
Pears helps lower the cholesterol level
The pectin in pears helps lower the cholesterol level. Along with the fiber, pears also control the levels of cholesterol. It is advisable not to remove the pears’ peel, because it also helps lower the cholesterol level; thus eating fresh pears is very helpful.
Other (but not less important) health benefits from pears
The same compound, pectin, is a diuretic and has a mild laxative activity, therefore pears help with constipation. Plain pear or pear juice are both excellent solutions for this problem. They are often used in diets because they reduce the risk of heart diseases.
This low-calorie snack contains a lot of fiber that keeps one feeling full for a longer time. Due to this, pears are used for weight loss. A pear at night will prevent hunger pangs.
Pears are recommended for people with diabetes because they are low in calories and because one pear provides 26 grams of carbohydrates. By controlling the calories and carbohydrates, blood sugar level can be balanced.
A sore throat can be treated with pear due to their anti-inflammatory activities. Eating pears, or making a mixture with honey and mashed pear will relieve the irritation. Pear juice will also relieve the symptoms of sore throat.
Pears will alleviate nausea and vomiting and similar stomach problems. Juice from canned pears is also a possible solution for an upset stomach.
Fruit that is low in oxalate amount can be eaten for kidney stones.
Due to the boron, that helps retain the calcium, pears can prevent osteoporosis.
For centuries, pears were used to bring down fevers. A big glass of freshly squeezed pear juice will bring immediate cooling sensation.
Pears are one of the best fruit for boosting the immunity system.
The best thing is that there are no health risks from eating pears and limitations when it comes to eating it.
Have fun while making this delicious vegetable soup and stay healthy with pears!
Arbury, J.F.T., (1998). Pears. Wells & Winter.
Cook, C., (2007). Pears Cyclopedia 2007 – 2008: A Book of Reference and Background Information for All the Family. Penguin Books.
Planck, N., (2007). Real Food: What to Eat and Why. Bloomsbury USA.
Savard, M. & Svec, S. (2005). Apples and Pears: A Revolutionary Diet Programme for Weight Loss and Optimum Health. Vermilion.
Images credit: 123RF Stock Photo
Last article update: 8/11/2019