The Connection Between MRSA and Cellulitis


What is Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a common bacterial deep skin infection that causes swelling and redness. It usually occurs as a result of a break in the skin that allows bacteria to enter. Minor cuts, bruises, and burns can leave the skin susceptible to infection if they are not properly treated.

Cellulitis is usually treated with antibiotics. The signs of the infection tend to be swelling, pain, and redness. The common causes of cellulitis are skin injuries, post-surgery infections and skin conditions such as eczema.

MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, is a type of Staph bacterium resistant to several antibiotics. This resistance makes it particularly difficult to treat.

This article will explore the link between MRSA and Cellulitis.


What is MRSA?

MRSA is a group of Staph bacteria that are resistant to commonly used antibiotics. An infection due to MRSA may occur anywhere in the body, so the symptoms will depend upon the location. Usually, it can cause skin infections, which may lead to sores and boils. However, the condition may also progress into more severe infections if it reaches the bloodstream or the urinary tract.
what is MRSA

MRSA is usually spread by contact and is more likely to infect individuals with weakened immune systems. Infection due to MRSA is, therefore, more commonly observed in hospitalized patients. But, it can still occur outside of a hospital environment.

MRSA strain is fairly common and already present at the surface of our bodies. However, these bacteria become a serious threat when they break in through the skin. While a common Staph infection responds well to usual antibiotics in most cases, MRSA strain is resistant to most antibiotics and constantly adapting. This has made it is hard for researchers to find an effective long-lasting remedy. MRSA can cause serious complications if it spreads to the bloodstream. Additionally, MRSA can spread to vital organs such as the lungs. This can cause pneumonia.


What is the Connection Between MRSA and Cellulitis?

There is a link between MRSA and cellulitis since MRSA is one type of Staph bacteria that can potentially cause cellulitis. Generally, MRSA type Cellulitis will cause an individual to develop abscesses in the infected area. This can occur anywhere on the body. But it is more common in the hands, feet, and legs.
link between MRSA and Cellulitis

In recent years the incidences of MRSA related cellulitis infections has been growing. MRSA cellulitis is a specific type of infection caused by the antibiotic-resistant bacteria penetrating deeply into the skin. Furthermore, this infection is highly contagious and can be spread through contact.


Preventive Tips

There are a number of measures you can take to prevent cellulitis and to prevent MRSA infections. It is especially important to follow these procedures if you have any recent wounds or a compromised immune system:

  • Don’t scratch your skin
  • Treat rashes and skin injuries according to doctor’s instructions
  • Keep injuries completely covered until they have healed
  • Maintain good overall body hygiene
  • Avoid sharing items such as towels and razors
  • Always go to a doctor if you see signs of skin infection

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Last article update: 9/11/2019

Medically reviewed by Dr. Thouria Bensaoula on Sept 06, 2019.